Who is ready to consider a Third Party to manage their Indirect Spend category?
You’ve identified-
- Your human resources should be spent on value added activities (creating profit)
- Indirect material is an expensed liability
- Direct resources committed to expensed liabilities are a compounding negative impact to profit
- Your core competency is making profit, not managing liabilities
- You understand a third party’s core competency is reducing the impact of your indirect liabilities
- Data Cleansing
- PFEP for every SKU in place
- Competitive product testing (every sku)
- Total Vendor management
- Focused purchasing strategies
- Product accountability
- Streamlined disbursement planning
- Itemized usage reporting
- One summary bill per month…. they do the rest
- Project design and implementation
- In-Plant imbedded personnel
- Collaborative SOW and RFQ design and support
- Cost/spend reductions, annual goals
Consider for every $1mm in Indirect spend, if there is a 10% variable for error (which is typically minimal) …you’re wasting $100,000 annually that could be profit.
ValuePoint is the ONLY Pure Integrator, meaning we are not a distributor, and we are not a manufacturer. We receive no compensation from either and have no allegiance to either. We represent and work specifically for our client partners on improving the performance of the Indirect Spend Category.
If you’ve gotten to this point, you’re ready for ValuePoint.
If you’re not ready, we’re ready to help you get here.
Contact us. We can help.